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Chapter 12

Examples of changes in the character

and the borders of the political area


Compulsion of labor unions by law in Denmark

In No. 2 15th volume May 1995 of the newspaper from the People's Movement for Free Labor unions you could read a very interesting article titled: The compulsion of the labor unions is due to that Folketinget[1] was misguided by Svend Auken (mine: our former Minister of Labor Force, and the present Minister of Environment and of Energy). The author of the mentioned article is an ingeneer with an academic degree Erik Boeck. He was fired from his job in the Patent-directorat, because he refused to be member of a labor union that in his opinion worked on a socialistic foundation.

In Denmark a law about liberty of labor union membership passed (Law No. 285 of June 9th 1982). Yes, you might believe it was true, but it is not. The law deals with precisely the opposite[2].

There has never been any need to make a law about freedom of membership of a union. This freedom has already been given by our Constitution. For that reason the honored members of Folketinget ought to be aware of this; but they were not, they seldom or never are.


When you read article 2 subsection 2 in this new law about freedom, you will see that the law was proposed only to secure the compulsion by law. Then you could maintain that this law is against the Constitution, but this does not interest many of the members of the parliament. They mostly look upon the Constitution as a clog for their own possibility to hector the people.


In article 1 is written: "An employer must not fire an employee, because he is a member of an union or a member of any particular union".

In article 2 subsection 1 is written: "An employer must not fire an employee, because he is not member of an union or member of any particular union".

The bright one will see that article 1 is just superfluous at once.

But you see, there is article 2 subsection 2: Subsection 1 is not to be used, if the employee at the appoint-ment was told that the employer required membership of an union or a particular union to work in the business.

Subsection 3 article 2: Subsection 1 is not to be used, when the employee, who is member of an union after the appointment is told that the membership is a condition of allowing him to work in the business.


You see, so he can not leave that union, he has joined before the appointment, if it is told to him before his appointment that this will not be accepted.


The purpose of the law was clearly, Boeck maintains, to stop the public pressure that put against the compulsion of the labor unions. August 13th 1981 a judgment was delivered in a case from England at the European Court Of Human Rights.


In this judgment is maintained that appointments conditioned by membership of a particular union is against the article 11 of the Human Rights.


So something certainly had to be done, Svend Auken meant, and the social democrats with him. Then the law, because otherwise the way  was prepared for freedom for labor union-membership.

It was especially the financial support to the party  that worried the social democrats. If the citizens had freedom here, it would mean the greatest event since The Cancellation Of The Adscription[3], Erik Boeck writes. This matter was urgent. So Svend Auken had to mislead Folketinget. He maintained that the agreement about freedom of labor union-membership (following the case of the European C.H.R.) had been made after the three workers had been appointed.

Therefore the Danish law had to take this false interpretation into account. So the exceptions in the article 2, subsection 2 and 3 in the Danish law. This argumentation was accepted by the professional politicians in Folketinget.


It has to be told that this false argumentation, as Boeck characterizes it, was stated before Svend Auken's "the scandal of security money" officially has become known publicly, and before he lied on TV about what the Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affaires had told him. Otherwise the public perhaps would have been more awaken.


The foundation of the exception-decisions in this law are false, Boeck maintains, because 2 out of the 3 workers certainly not was appointed after the moment, where the 'exclusive-agreements' had been made.

The former Danish Minister of Labor Force, also from the Social Democratic Party, Jytte Andersen could not give an answer to Boeck's questions to her.

If the truth about Denmark's compulsion of labor union-membership, and with this the political compulsion had been known here and in the outside world, this unworthy situation in Denmark could not have been maintained, the People's Movement for Free Labor unions wrote September 1996. The compulsion of labor unions and the political compulsion is maintained in Denmark.


Another very grotesque situation broad to life by insane legislation in the Danish parliament is "The Negative List".

When the public pressure against the labor unions for their money-presents to the Social Democratic Party

was the heavy burden again, so they had to make laws again. The result was that all members, who did not want to let some of their subscription be transferred to the Party, could send their name and address to the unions. The subscription remained the same.

This was very smart, now they had the names and the addresses of the most stupid of those, who did not want to contribute to the so-called 'socialistic-democratic family'. After this they only had to follow some courses of “quality-management”[4], an union-representative told me. His name is not mentioned here for good reasons. It does not figure on 'The Negative List' either.

In China the people fight for free unions. In Denmark they do not.


Their hope seems small for Danish citizens. November 1995 Jytte Andersen created new legislation to counteract ethnic discrimination on the Danish labor market[5]. According to the traditional practice the starting point was one of many provident conventions of the international community:

International convention is dealing with abolition of racediscrimination[6].


Jytte Andersen read in section 1, article 1, subsection 2 of this convention and she found the following application of the convention:

When The Minister of Labor Force informed Folketinget (our parliament) this had become:

This convention is not used on the discrimination, exclusion, limitations or preferences that a participating state referring to this convention is doing between its own citizens and foreigners.[7]


A lot of individuals concluded on this foundation that the Minister of Labor Force by her free changing the wording of the convention by her discretion, as shown here, in reality was trying to make discrimination lawful to benefit of foreigners, and she intented to point these initiatives against Danish ci-tizens. The last mentioned is called racism in the mentioned convention. But unfortunately we are convinced that racism – decided by new ethics - have to be unbalanced. Danish legislation later told us we were right.  “Positive special treatement” is the expression of invocation.


If a Danish minister discriminate against Danish citizens in order to benefit foreigners, she has broken Denmark's Constitution, and it is called treason in the Danish Penal Code.  

I did what was possible to get through to the members of Folketinget.

There were sound-recordings of telephone talk between the minister and organizations on the labor market, where she had gone much longer with her orders and her recommendations.


The bill passed Folketinget. You have the majority, even if you as Minister of Labor Force obvious was a little embarrassed - not ashamed. Something had leaked. Just be cool, now the foundation of treason is in order. There can be build on this against the Danish people with a few changes of the articles on a lazy afternoon just before the summer holiday.

The just reported about the area of the Department of Labor Force is nearly an everyday occurrence. As we are very few, who make an effort for the democracy, we are going to loose it.


A test of the treason:

The counsel of the City-Part Noerrebro Copenhagen introduces 'positiv special measure' - in Danish it is discrimination - of the immigrants in this part of the city, when municipal jobs are occupied. The social democratic person sitting in the counsel of the City-Part Henry Thingvad tells the newspaper BT August 29th 1996 (less than a year after the passing of the bill of discrination): "If the choice is between a Dane and an immigrant for a job - and they have the same qualifications - the immigrant must have the job".


Citizens Watch -you have to do something!

April 22nd 1996 and May 20th director Jussi Merklin informed on Radio Saxen, Aarhus, that the Danish Department of Interior Affairs has secret plans about a further development of the notorious Central Person Registration to a so-called Citizen ID-Card.

With this universal card the authorities will be apple to watch every citizen in the country at pleasure, when they want to. The technical development will within a few years make it possible to transform the card to a chip like those used in personal computers. It is planned eventually to fix the chip (which is not bigger than a corn) to a biological code in the human body.

This has been tested in USA on some prisoners. The test was called Promise.


The authorities will not let the citizens get insight in their plans, even though we in Denmark have a law that says this our right, as it gives public admittage in to the administration. The total complex of those plans weighs 5.5 kilo (in 1998). You ought to take contact to: The Department of Interior Affairs, and tell them to send to you the cases with journal numbers 6004-7 and 6004-15. They shall send it to you free, if you refer to the publicity in the administration, Jussi Merklin told us on Radio Saxen April 22nd and May 20th 1996. The Department of Interior Affairs - Christiansborg Slotsplads 1 - DK-1218  Copenhagen K.


You shall not let you be deceived of the Citizen-card-plans that are promoted by the authorities, as if they were some kind of extend service for the citizens that have to start about the year 2002 - apart from the card will be compulsory primary for students, book-borrowers and individuals in rest homes, as it is told in the promotion materials from the authorities.

Director Jussi Merklin is former security expert in the Section of Personal Registration in the Department of Interior Affaires. He supplies EDP-Security-Advices today.

After you eventually have got a refusal from the Department of Interior Affairs, you must send your complain to the Parliamentary Commissioner[8].

If this gives no result, then you have to contact 'The Committee Against Power-misuse and Corruption in Denmark' (KOMOKODA), of which Director Jussi Merklin is promoter. Jussi Merklin - Skolekrogen 59 - DK-3500  Vaerloese  He has written the book: 'The Democracy is being undermined from above'[9].

This book deals with the internal organization and the communication of the Central Administration in Denmark from 1968 (when the first central ID-registration started) and through the 1970s. It presents several sound and wise evaluation of the democracy both in theory, in the Danish practice, and how this 'our democracy' has been put to shame indeed in Denmark.


USA and ID-registratio

As early as the afternoon June 7th 2000, but no later than tomorrow morning, Congressman Ron Paul will introduce an amendment to the Labor-HHS appropriations bill to remind Congress of your objec-tions and redress the omission.

Congressman Paul, who is a practicing physician, stated in a letter released today, "As an OB/GYN with more than 30 years experience in private practice, I know better than most the importance of preserving the sanctity of the physician-patient relationship. Oftentimes, effective treatment depends on a patient's ability to place absolute trust in his or her doctor. What happens to that trust when patients know any and all information given to their doctor will be placed in a data base accessible by anyone who knows the patient's 'unique personal identifier?'"

Please urge your U.S. representative today to support the PAUL AMENDMENT TO LABOR-HHS APPROPRIATIONS. You can write to your representative by going to and clicking on Communicate at the top of the page. There's also a phone directory available in case you want to call instead.
 **This morning, we faxed a one-page appeal for support of the Paul amendment to each of the 435 U.S. House members. To read what we sent, please go to Did make an effort to stop it?

Terror was perhaps just the occasion. Some would give a supplement here.

When you read Roger F. Gay, on, January 2000 you see this world project of central ID-registration hurries on toward the final solution.

(A few extracts from Roger F. Gay’s article:):"Imagine a state in which you must register your name and address with the autho-rities, just so they can find you in case you break the law. In an age when bills vaunting protections for privacy abound, and when surveys of consumers rank privacy as a top concern, could that happen here? It is already happening. When we rely on the federal government to solve our problems, we invite it to intrude upon our privacy. We are asking Big Brother to come in and make himself at home."

In order to understand the potential of such a system it is worthwhile to consider its cost. Four billion dollars is a huge amount of money to spend on development of a computer system. It could buy more than sixty million hours (thirty thousand years) of engineering consulting time. It is enough to pay 130,000 people an average income for one year. It is more than enough to buy a million modern desktop computers; each one powerful enough to manage a database containing information about every man, woman, and child in the United States, and then some.”


“The Bush administration does not appear to be set to improve the record. Amidst a flurry of anti-terrorism legislation, administration officials have issued several denials that a national ID system is even contemplated. We already have a modern computerized system in place that is far more effective than any identification and tracking system the Nazis or the Soviet Communists ever had. Common sense suggests that possession of such an Orwel-lian tool has not escaped their notice.”


We have live with such an registration since 1968. But now it is planned via EU to be much advanced and worldwide with a 18-figured number. But worldwide in the civilized world it has been the objective for a very long time.


EU and ID-registration

The new creditcard-alike EU driving licens-cards is smart, the Danish tabloid Ekstra Bladet wrote Mars 20th 1998. The last time they ordered new EU-driving licenses in Denmark, they built on a lie and told us that EU had decided this. Then we had to pay again dispite of the fact that the old licens remained valid until your age 70, and this fact had even been written on the old card. In 1993 the development was speeded up further. Dozens of governments around the globe began making legislation and bu-reaucratic programs for the new ID cards. In Denmark the citizens-card, the chipped EU driving li-cense "that is so smart", and EU also began planning a new number-system to citizens of "Euroland". This number is running into 18 figures. The chip shall soon be smaller, so small that they are able to implant the chip under your skin. With this universal, biometric ID chip the authorities will be able to watch every individual, when ever they want to. The authorities are not interested in giving the citizens insight in the plans, even though there is a law in Denmark that tells you that it gives you insight in the administration of the information collected on yourself. The ID card has been promoted by the Danish authorities, as if the card was some kind of expanded service towards the citizens.


ID-registration worldwide is a primery a keyhole for the authorities to your life

They told us on Danish TV that there had been too much negative debate about the card in Denmark. Therefore the decision (October 6th 1996) to let it pass in smaller pieces. "Electronic Signiture" passed though, and the EU driving-licens, where the chip has all the information about you. In the midd Janu-ary 2002 Norwegian TV show a documentary on the usefulness of the chip in the treatement mental ill individuals. Psychopaths can get a chip implanted in the brain. And they will recover, they told us. It sound very reassuring. But when I then hear former employees of the US-project MK-ultra reveil, what was going on secretly and still does.


Let’s refer shortly a little of what was going on in other countries from the midd 1990s:

Holland: A new legislation that commands the citizens always to carry a ID card. Among other things information of taxation, name, address and nationality. Individuals which cannot give the wanted infor-mation are arrested and thrown into prison.

Singapore: According to Sydney, the Sunday Mag of Australia: The new ID card gives the government the opportunity to electronic tap its citizens for information. Photos, fingerprints, personal details, and the machine readable codes make the data of the person ready for inspection.

Japan: In Japan Times we read in 1996: Even though there has been resistance against such a card in USA, a similiar plan has been carried through by the Japanese government. Information about taxation, voting-facilities, passport examination and a lot of other functions.

About Russia, Thailand, Sweden and Great Britain is reported quite corresponding. FBI has opend a new bureau in Moscau, and has its top agent working there now. In USA CIA and KGB are working together in Langley, Virginia. In England the card has be taking into use from 2000. The Gardian wrote: “A sketch of the first government-produced personal ID-smart-card has been shown to the Cabinet ... The card can take the place of the driving license, the passport, the retirement-book and medicine-card ... they also plan to take biometry and password into use.”

The open borders within "Euroland" are much better understood in the light of this. Hitler and Stalin would have loved this ID chip, 666, as hinted by Roger F. Gay above. The registration and the retrieval of these last mentioned figures were also too much timeconsuming and uncertain. On the other hand the rulers of "Euroland" make plans for a personal-number running into 18 figures precisely like the the same spycard in USA.

It is spycard directly to your life. They can even control if you arrive at some certain destinations because the chip is able to send a signal to authorities.

If you want to know more on ID-smart-cards:


The children and the young ones were earlier closely rooted to their the family, by their father and mother. This connection resists the internationalism. It can not be managed. So it must be abolished. It is not the mental control of our children and young people alone, and the influence on their behavior via the institu-tions including the TV media, which has been incorporated in the political area.

Sometimes I have mentioned that Something-Must-Be-Done-Principle is a central tool in the fight against the freedom of the individual. The arrangement of three- and four-stages decision processes is another effective mean that busy citizens often inclined to overlook especially, when time goes on between the single stages.


Diversions are very extensive in the persuasion of the grownups, and they are especially used combined with media input, an effective support to the mastery of the mind, and the trains of thought. The arrangement of the TV-programsurfaces throughout the week, throughout the month are centrally to the entire managementproject. In Denmark we have the marching Danish TV 1-2-1-2-1-2.


Fishermen and Trucker Watch

October 12th 1996 TV told about new the Europe-state-legislation to watch the fishermen and their boats. October 13th about new Europe-state legislation to watch the truckers 'gross the boarders, that is being abolished in EU'. The transportation on the ground has to go along certain routes in Europe, speed-writers must be replaced, as they are too staff-demanding, the decisions about time of rest the same, and then the opened boarders with the European Schengen-Agreement[10]. A satellite-managed system that follows the fishermen everywhere they go on the sea to see, what they catch. Not the citizens alone, and the cows in Sweden must be watched around the clock. In the case ‘Citizens Watch’ the authorities call it 'service', and the watch also looks like that for the first couple of years. The young people want to take an education, and they are very easy brought to appreciate things, if they seem smart and modern... So the rulers calculated. The seniles has been promoted as users of the chip on TV for the last two years. They have taken it into use at sevaral places, but is until now up to the local authorites to decide.


When the special watches have to be rationalized[11], the chip on every individual will be the evident solution. A lot of good arguments of effectiveness, when every special area are included with separate staff norms. The third and last stage in the decision process has ended then.


EU/UN's special watch decisions had difficulties in the Danish Folketinget. The Fishermen's Watch[12] decree from EU devided Folketinget into 2 times 89 mandates October 12th 1996. The last mandate was not present, but Jacob Haugaard  actually voted against at the final reading[13].

The reaction form the EU Counsel of Ministers followed immediately, October 14th 1996, where the Former Minister of Agriculture and Fishing Henrik Dam Kristensen had to veto the Watch of Fishermen - the Committee of Europe in Folketinget had voted and decided that he had to interpose a veto:

Smaller quotes and quicker liquidation of the Danish fishing-fleet, and at the same time higher fishing-quotes to the other EU-nations.

DR-TV-News 10PM October 14th finally told they will try to pass the proposal about the Watch of Fishermen via satellite in December 1996.[14]

Some corresponding could very easy be actualized to the Citizens Card. Here the Department of Investi-gation and the Department of Interior Affairs have secured themselves better by making a decision in more stages.


All citizens can not be exposed to public contempt like the fishermen. It would hurt the majority of politicians, because they have to be selected by the voters in our so-called democracy.


Electronic signature that is not hidden in the notice of October 1st from The Department of Investigation, is the first stage of the Citizens Card. The passing is planned to happen, eventually partly once more, January 1997.[15]

The fishermen had been made disliked with declarations about their too heavy fishing within the EU-given (what was left of) quotes, much more hated than the citizens in general. The most of the members of the parliament want to be re-selected, you see. The easiest way to go is to use the vote-fishing-method.

Then you have to take care, especially in the party Left Liberal, which have had many votes among the fishermen, and this party is EU-No. 1 at the same time. At such occasions you never see former Minister of Foreign Affaires Uffe Ellemann-Jensen on TV. October 14th 1996 his portrait was shown in Jyllands Posten, he had a big codfish in his arms...Very smart[16].

The farmers have  been made to a official hated group like the fishermen through many years as I mentioned via the Environment-Madness. Evening by evening propaganda-movies on the TV media for the Fourth Wave (Environment-Madness). Therefore the state/the media do not need to take in special service-lies as bait here, in order to promote the watch of the farmers.

Most deciding has in reality been the power of the organizations of trade. Were they partners or were they opponents to the former?

The farmers with herds of dairy cattle - as mentioned earlier they are nearly exterminated in Denmark in twenty years in EEC -  was reduced in number from 87,000 to a little more than 9,000 in 2000.

In the area of agriculture Ritt Bjerregaard has incurred a huge responsibility, like Svend Auken, Lone Dybkjaer, Poul Schlüter and others. Nearly all of them have been placed and also been rewarded in the agencies of EU with the doubled and also nearly tax-free wages. With thanks or as an assumption they took this responsibility too. The rest are on their way.

'Farmers and fishermen apparently are some kind of gang-members'

Just a last striking Danish example of displacements of the political area:

An ignored very old law about fighting 'flying oats' in Denmark was modernized in the spring 1996, it was maintained from Folketinget. The result was that the environment authorities can get admittance to the farms by compulsion in the future, even if the farmer is not at home. Presumably none of the public employees in Folketinget knew what 'flying oats' was, before this remarkable proposal of modernizing. The legislation did not deal especially with the 'flying oats'. 


There are hundreds of other examples in Denmark, thousands in Europe.


Other very surviving problems appeared in the Berlmont Building in Brussels. They were called 'problems with (un)dangerous carolit ceilings' in the late 1980s. The Danish EU-jounalist in DR-TV Mette Fugl could hardly keep a straight face, and the English newspaper The Sun saw the comic, and brought a little more of the truth. The advancement of the truth in this case will draw very long and very sad tracks from the most powerfully of our present and former Danish politicians, tracks to innocent individuals, who have suffered in consequence of the lies and the camouflage-attempts. The building is still empty, and a new Parliament has been built.

The BSE-Madness exploded with detained delay, till BBC's and ITV's copious exposure on TV about the mega-swindle in Subsidy-Europe. The Danish former member of the European Parliament Kirsten Jensen[17] told some fragments in a Danish newspaper BT the 12th October 1996. Surplus stocks was abound in beef. They should play a role, she maintained, and the General Secretary of the Agriculture Directorate of the EU Commission Guy Legras should have requested the German Minister of Health to curb, what most of all looks like a commercial war. No doubt Legras would be able to tell more concretely about the plot that Kirsten Jensen maintained it was in this article.


Kirsten Jensen was not a candidat at EU-selection in 1999. 'Abolition of technically commercial obstacles' is sounding false in this connection.


Where the project of BSE-Defamation onesided turned against the British cattle raisers at the beginning has to be placed is difficult to establish, if the lies in the media, and lies from EU are not removed and replaced by truth. This assumption is presumably illusory to count in. The general English EU-resistance must not be ignored.  

Some deciding principles for the rules of a constitution

The rules of the Constitution are the only protection of the citizens from the politicians in a so-called democracy. Therefore the Constitution is the foundation of the life of the nation. No constitution without nation, and no nation without constitution within the termes of democracy.


If the civil rights in the constitution are formulated positively, you will notice that the subjects that are not included, in reality is excluded from the total collection of rights, and it is possible by prohibitions, and by orders to ignore natural right without any problems.


The rules in a constitution must not be formed as the promises of the rulers to the citizens, and those rights that have been given by God or the Providence (as you wish, called Natural Right) the constitution shall not deal with at all. If it does so, the rulers make themselves to gods. They certainly are not. And if they are allowed to do so however, we go to hell.


Almost all the rights in the foundation of EU fail here.


Take the EU-Social-Pact that passed december 1989 or the fundamental rights continuing in the fall 2000 with Nice Treaty. It was the first weak attempts to introduce constitutional rights in EURO-land. 12 EU-member-states (exclusive Great Britain, but later on Great Britain also accepted) signed EU-Social- Pact of the following types:


The right to free mobility of the citizens, the right to employment and wage-payment, the right to better living- and working-conditions, equal rights for men and women. And I could continue with their "most beautiful intentions".


This initiative was an infamy. No rights has been given. False marketing I would say. The rule-makers and the signers made themselves effected creations by this.

In Denmark the initiative to alter our constitution is being stronger and stronger. The initiative has been taken by some of the members of our parlament – Folketinget. They want to give so-called human rights to the world, and especially give the rights to EU to get rid of our nation as soon as possible.

When this unpersonal humanity is financed by the state or by other taxfinanced supernational autorities, and it is whipped up well in the electronic, state- and ideology-ruled media, and in the press to Exhibitionistic Humanity, the result is blunted hypocricy.


When you try to make yoursleft the faith, the faith shall get rid of you, sooner or later.


In Denmark we could copy central German Post War rules for the emission of money, make rules of maximum taxation, decide well-founded true rights of liberty and well-ordered monopoly prohibition, but perhaps we have to find King Valdemar Sejr's Jydske Lov of 1241, and make it up to date, also with unquestionable respect to the relation to the fourth power - the media. It is deciding to see the truth that so-called Humanism financed by the state like all isms is our true enemy. This aspect was certainly not taken proper into account in the American Constitution either. The British Magna Charta is founded on the sepation of the Kingdom of the Emperor and the Kingdom of God. Petition of Right and Declaration of Right lay down rights as an independent, historical heritage. Following Edmund Burk in his book 'Reflections on the revolution of France', 1790 - that's where it ends if we allow them to continue - you will find a more profound basic.

Not long ago Bill Clinton mentioned that islam and his own puritanical Christianity have so much in common. Don’t laugh!

Martin Luther "was almost as bright", but he said: Man as a sinner is salved by mercy of God alone, not by something in itself. This principle is not stupid, some Christians would say. Other would still call it some kind of "monopoly-entrance" to God. I would say that is not as sinister as NWO-plan in all its terror anyway. Our ancestors would have wanted something better for us than our so-called democratic power administrators finally are organizing right now.


The Nice Treaty

Nice Treaty was not put to a referendum in Denmark like it was I Ireland. We were not allowed to read the contents of it in Denmark. We have tried for more than two years now to get people to understand what is going on with our constitutional rights in Denmark.


The interference in Ex-Yugoslavia was exactly an attempt to get a new military instrument tested in spite of the unofficial conflicting foreign policy among the EU-nations. The sanctions against Austria februar 2000 was a tast of the following Nice Treaty to be decided already december 2000. EEC/EU should not make foreign policy at all, they told us, and especially not participate in wars.(?)
But now have to understand that Fall of Wall and September 11th  2001 suddenly have changed that the world.


On the issue constitutional rights or the official popular so-called human right the following extracts from the Committee of European Paliament:

1. Political parties that after the programme or the attitude of their members seek to harm the demo-cratic rights [not defined, but can be invented for the moment, and the members do not have to do anything, if they just seek to do something, it can lead to actions been taken to suspent them at the Court of the European-Community (section 5.2), if the the Commission demand so, after the European Parliament, and the Councel of Ministers have been consulted on the suspension-proposal that might pass according to this article…according to the procedure decided in article 251 (that means decision by majority ). On this foundation a lot of European (even government-bearing ) parties must be forbitten.

Please, notice this: “ to do something..”. Compare with the new laws of terror decided very quickly without any debate at all.     

2. A Corpus Juris is introduced in EU
Section 14:
Propose the establishing of an office of an European Public Prosecution as an independent unit at the European Court with resposibility to protect the interests of the Union against fraud and swindle in the entire territory of the European Community.

Section 15 shall take into account that article 280 in the EU Treaty has to be altered so that the Union is empowered to take precautions of law in criminal cases on fraud and swindle that harms the interest of the Union. That means removement of the one-way-safety-valve of article 280.  And the ending of the whole foundation of the Nordic as well as the British principles of right secures in Common Law and of habeas corpus, trial by jury and no double jeopardy.

3. Introduction of the Euro in the United Kingdom has also been taken into account. With articles 19.1, 19.2 and 19.3 the Euro – with or without a broken promise about a referendum – can be introduced without a referendum, and eventually against an opposition representing a majority among the british voters.

4. Section 28  introduces the German social-market-model (partly a copy of the Danish), the opposite to the open-market-model as the one in the United Kingdom) implies among many other things that the permission of EU-government has to be obtained, before you can open a shop. The politicians shall decide the whole eoconomy and decide, who must earn money, and who must not (e.g. article 4, article 98, ect.).

5. All power to the European Court of Justice: Section 35.2: No limits at all from now on and in all future can be made upon the juridiction that is protected by European Court.

What Philip II, Louis XIV, Napoleon, Der Kaiser, Stalin, Hitler did not succeded with, is now being done by treason of our own political class. Some of the oldest nations in Europe will come to an end , our culture will be oppressed, and our people will loose the last democratic rights. Rights that were created and protected by our ancestors with blood, sweet and tears. The establishing of an European Army that develop quickly and unaffected under the column “Common Foreign and Security Policy” will secure that if we decided to go against it, there very soon will be a military force to prevent us from doing it.



An not say that everything is planned, and do not maintain that something does not miss on the way.

I maintain that everybody may be blissful in his belief, and at the same time must have eyes and ears open. But when our constitution is being undermined, it is difficult for people to defend themselves against the ruling class.


My intention was to awake those Danes, other Europeans and those Americans who can not see yet that somebody are giving our native countries away for a mess of pottage and - in my opinion - a sick idea, without the voters have been asked honestly, and without they resist becaused they are being blinded by the fourth power that create an artificial reality form which almost nothing can be used. Perhaps we stoped it however with the Danish NO to Euro September 28th 2000.


I will maintain without specifications that none of the official arguments that have been presented in spite of everything, but very spread, stated for the planned order, can be held on to. Absolutely none of them. I must on the available foundation or the lack of such a thing conclude that the reason, why the arguments nearly have not appeared is that they can not endure the light of the day.


Until now all arguments against the Order has been met by lies, angry attempts to explain away, distortions, evil nonsense or even violence in the old, totalitarian style. An answer is not requested anymore.


A few of the figures


Harry Dexter White

He was an angry and irascible man, compare 'The Hidden Power' by Anthony Sampson, the former secretary in the (Willy) Brandt Commission that led the North-South-Dialog.


Georg W. F. Hegel

His lectures were a disappointing experience. He was irritable, very often turning over the leaves of his notebook, looking for something, searching. His sentences were often isolated from each other. Showed great exertion and could show tremendous anger and excitement. Every person that he attacked began trembling. You can read something in 'From Kant to Hegel, a new interpretation' by Professor Justus Hartnack, published by Berlingske Forlag, Copenhagen 1979, with reference to one of Hegel's disciples, the later professor on Aesthetics Heinrich Hotho.


Alexander Hamilton

is described in this way by Robert Warshow in his book 'The Story Of Wall Street', (in Danish 1933): "Hamilton's colossal influence on the commercial development of the United States has been recognized by very few after all, and the reason why is the fact that not alone he was very unpopular among his opponents, but among his supporters too. His nature allowed no resistance, not even of the mildest kind, and his impatience made him rather insensitive towards the opinion of others".

"He was a master in the art of not alone the abstract problems, but also in their practical accomplish-ment[18]. But he did not understand to treat other individuals. And here we might find the reason why, even reticent people like John Quincy Adams and Thomas Jefferson quite openly designated him 'The Bastard'"[19]. Hamilton was killed 1804 in a duel with his worst political competitor Aaron Burr, who he had accused of some frauds.


Colonel Edward House

Following John Daniel's well-documented book 'Scarlet And The Beast' from 1995 his father was Thomas W. House, his grandfather was an agent for the Bank of Rothschild in London. His gradfather earned a fortune by smuggling weapons on ships through the Union-blockade to Texas in the Civil War (1861-1865).

Thomas W. House gave his son an anti-American and pro-Marxist education in Bath in England. Later on Edward House returned to Texas to manage his father’s cotton-plantations. "Colonel" House (a title he gave himself) looked upon USA as an enemy-country. He hated (the Tsar's) Russia too because, it had supported Lincoln in the Civil War.


What is power?

Power in our present systems and arrangements is first of all, what you can put into the brains of people. By altering the language, as it was illustrated in this reading with an example from France and EU, words can vanish and new will be created. These last become a part of the reality, the old words then disappear from reality. Reality is the one, that is drawn using "the correct words in the correct pictures", nothing else are included in reality. Mind-Control is an extremely advanced and extensive métier.


An example:

Many young people can not do without rhythmical noise for a few hours a day. The places of work in Denmark is also very rhythmical-noise-polluted. They call it music, and it direct and control their emotional lift and especially their passivity. Young people want to get an education, some want to borrow books at libraries, but not without given away their ID-number. The rulers are even able to alter the control-systems in the brains of the human beings, if they begin early. From observing, investigating, explaining they have taken the step to plan, design, influence and control[20].


Another example:

The borderline between 'good' and 'evil' must be erased, the two conceptions must be moved towards each other[21]. What is shown and told on TV is reality, what is not told or shown is not reality, and what is consciously twisted on TV becomes reality in the consciousness of the watching individual. TV is the strongest tool of mass manipulation.


A third example:

When all official Swedish history-writing used in the public schools begins in the year 1932 - when the Social Democratic Party came to power in Sweden - then the rest does not exist, Jens Jackie Jensen told us on Radio Saxen, Aarhus the 18th of September 1995. He also told that Professor David Faurholt, Odense University, Denmark had made it his practice to ask the new-matriculated students some questions in the first lecture at the university. A serie of questions that might show, what the students know about themselves, and about their history, before they started an education.


When did the Roman Empire come to an end? Who was Caesar? The Byzantine Empire, what was this? Who was Karl The Great? Who was Columbus? And about Denmark: The Adscription, what was that? Who was Niels Ebbesen? Niels Juel?, Bernsdorff, Rewentlow, Hoeg Guldberg? The Retreat From Dannevirke? The Lost Of Southern Jutland (Slevig and the Northern Holsten) and The Reunion?


They were completely ignorant, all of them. They could not answer any of these questions.

Martin Luther, they answered, was a black vicar in America. Caesar, a Danish pop-singer, that nobody likes to listen to anymore.


They do not know their own people and its history. They are completely without identity. They are totally empty. There are calculated with this fact. Then they are much easier to control.


You are not in an position to tell these young people, what it is, they do not know. You can not explain to a totally color-blind individual, what colors are. Yes, you can tell her a lot about colors and about color-theory, but she does not have the ability to understand, what must be seen. But she can not see the colors, Jens Jackie Jensen told on Radio Saxen.


In August 1994 I asked 25 students that just had passed the economy-examination HD Part 1 on the Commercial College in Aarhus:

Did the Danish national debt increase or did it decrease in the year 1993, increased or decreased with roughly how much? None of them could answer the question fairly satisfying. Two of these hopeful students answered that the national Danish debt had increased in 1993[22], 18 answered that it had decreased, and the rest of the 25 did not answer.  They did not know.


The Danish national Debt increased in 1993 by dkr. 53 Bill.. corresponding to dkr.10,000 that every citizen - young or old - is not in the position to use, if the Danes shall survive as a people.


There is nothing to accuse the young people of. They are bright and eager to learn, and they have passed the examinations they should. They constitute the betrayed generation, Jens Jackie Jensen told. He told the truth.



Short after I finished my education of economics in 1978 I got a job, where I among other things should approve and sign applications about support to employ young unemployed in a Danish (Left-Liberal) county-municipal. The applications should also be approved, when they could not be approved following the rules made by Folketingets Committee of Labor Market. The same when the official purpose of the law was violated. The rules followed inter alia Law No. 488 from the 1960s about so-called extraordinary employment of young unemployed. At this time the law was reused on the initiative of the former Minister of Labor Force Svend Auken, when the unemployment began to be a major political problem in the late 1970s [23].

I maintained that the law should be observed, and I would not approve or sign against the law.

A closer investigation showed that the strategy was:

Left-Liberal-dominated municipals had for years received much more money, than was paid out in public expenditures. This had lead to large amounts of money funded in some counties. It could continue till a municipal reform prevented continuos gathering. The fact was that Left-Liberal-dominated municipals - officially in any case - should not be so interested in high taxation, and high public expenses, as the case was in the central ruling Social Democratic governments.

Auken laid a golden egg that suddenly became a dear possibility to take Left-Liberal (L-L) votes too. And the L-L-municipals could send the money, which they meant was the result of too hard taxation, back to the businesses in any case. Very smart, don't you think Uffe Ellemann-Jensen (L-L)?

It did not matter at all, if the rules were observed, if this arrangement e.g. made any real employment or the employees were moved from the neibouring business, if the employee at least was unemployed before he got a job with public subsidy generally, when you look at it with Left-Liberal or Social Democratic party-eyes. The law was stupid, but I did what I was broad up to.

I still maintained that the rules should be orderly observed. They corrected the rules a little, but it did not and was not intented to help very much. "I  was expected to adjust a little and stop my foolish complain-ing".

The Social Democrats were generally very satisfied, because they had launched a prosperous socialistic battle cruiser now[24]. It has proven very effectively in the fight against free enterprises, "but you must never forget the 'so very deep-felt' new-orientated, new-thinking, conscious responsibility toward the young hopeful people without employment in our depressing capitalistic community".

Geniously, don't you think? Everybody except the affected were happy. These got by this first test the possibility to say 'no' or to continue just along the slide.


April 23rd 1995 the Trilateral Commission met in Copenhagen, compare some extract from the article of Jakob Andersen in the Danish newspaper Ekstra Bladet:


Private Top Meeting

"The Trilateral Commission is something between a 'tank of thinking' and a club of discussion", Jakob Andersen wrote. Frequently it holds seminars and produces reports on subjects like 'How We Preserve The Peace In A World After The Cold War'", Jakob Andersen wrote.

"Between the meetings the members try to influence their own governments, the economic life and other to do, as the commission wishes", Jakob Andersen wrote.

"The Trilateral Commission is attacked by both right-wing-extremists and left-wing-extremists. It is accu-sed of among other things for establishing a government of the world", Jakob Andersen wrote.

"The commission stands behind the international trade with narcotics, following the half-fascist American politician Lyndon LaRouche", Jakob Andersen wrote.

"From the left-wings this characterization has been heard in Holly Skalars edition:

The commission represents the interests of the multinational businesses and banks. So it is in direct inconsistency to the interests of the workers and the Third World", Jakob Andersen wrote.

"A. Volcker (the former chief of the American Federal Reserve System) and many others can pull strings that are invisible to us mortal ones", Jakob Andersen wrote.

Ritt Bjerregaard (the Social Democratic Party), Joergen Schleimann (Left-Liberal) were participants, and they were invited with the other influencial of the visible top in Denmark.

"The Danish Social Democrat and the American high-capitalist walk in this way hand in hand. The Danish editor-troll (mine: Thoeger Seidenfaden) and the experienced giant from the intimate scene of the world (mine: Henry Kissinger) jave made partnership", Jakob Andersen wrote. (unquote)

(So far some of the content of the article 'Private Top-Meeting').


If you are too self-opinionated, because you eventually have got 'a warped upbringing', you will not fit into the systems/the agencies/the commissions/the groups, not even on the first stage. I have been instructed about this. Diligence and skill are accepted with this BUT.

As to the last mentioned Jakob Andersen does not seem to be problematic in relation to the politically correct article mentioned above. It would have been a pity if he had, now it is the first time that any Danish newspaper writes anything at all about the Trilateral Commission. But did he really write anything, at all. 


Left-wing-extremists, Right-wing-extremists, Capitalists, Large-scale capitalist, Half-fascist, Socialistic, Intellectual level, The Left Wing, the peace, the cold war, US mortal ones, the activist, the political-economic-academic out-skirts...

Yes the chosen words were in order, and the order in which they were mentioned was right too, I think. Perhaps Jakob Andersen lacked for the good order "Large-scale Socialists", if this conception should not be included in the one of the other used categories from the Common, ruled by the Common, that is itself - 'a hole or idling in the head'.

Perhaps the reader knows that the most text-writing-systems for PCs are equipped with a so-called spelling-control, also for foreign languages. The control can often be supplemented by the user himself, and this is very fine by many occasions. I myself have to use a English dictionary.

But what shall we do with the following that I originally presented for the Danish readers.

The Danes did not have problems by understanding, I presume, because it suite our language very well.

I take only one the easy-explained ones from the Danish edition.

In Danish you can ask the following question, and get the following answer:

Faar faar faar? Faar faar ikke faar, faar faar lam. (a Danish example of funny small talk)

It will be most interesting to read this form an direct translation to English:

There are several possibilities of translations, here are two of those:

1. Sheep, sheep, sheep? Sheep sheep not sheep, sheep sheep lambs.

2. Do sheep bear sheep? Sheeps do not bear sheep, sheep bear lambs. (the correct translation that unfortunately is not very funny)

It is not funny in English, at all. The reason to this is not insurmountable cultural differences between Englishmen and Danes. Certainly not.

The Danish word 'faar' can mean 'sheep', 'sheep', 'bear' and 'get' in English depending of how, where, and with which intonation you use that word, and this is the explanation to the peculiar sentence with eight times 'faar' in Danish. How did we end here?


With my thoughts on the key names, and on Jakob Andersen's key conceptions, I suddenly wrote in the Danish version that it would be exciting to see the 'Faar-sentence' translated perhaps to English or to German. I don't know why. I was just inspired. I apologize if I have offended anyone. I did meant to.


Go to next chapter

[1] Folketinget is the name of the Danish parliament.

[2] Here the reader especially must concentrate on the method used to violate the freedom in the name of freedom. The method is used with great succes in other areas than the mentioned here.

[3] 'The Cancellation Of The Adscription' (1784 in Denmark) means the freedom for the farmers to go and to work and live, where they decided for themselves.

[4] A new Danish instrument to bully the employees who are not wanted.

[5] Compare the case no 1993-5200-3 with the initials TE/LPE/MPC from The Department of Labor Force.

[6] Of November 21th 1965 coming into force in Denmark January 8th 1972.

[7] Logically you must agree with Jytte Andersen, but why this change in a perfectly clear formu-lation? Some purposes for changes have to be taken into consideration, if you change a short and clear formulation as that of this convention. She gave no explanation to her changes. She must be pumped, if not interrogated.

[8] He is called 'Ombudsmanden' in Denmark.

[9] Published by Rosenkilde and Bagger (in Danish) 1980. Its ISBN-number: 87-423-0349-4.

[10] Decided by Folketinget just before the summer hollidays. Promise: The boarders to EU must be closed, and the boarders between the nations in EU are made effective by personal control. Result: In the summer 2000 UN and EU made an agreement to let 75 mill. foreigners more immigrate to EU, and Greece made a new record of the number that it transmited to Italy.


[11] Probably about the year 2002.

[12] 'This is not the Fisherman's Friend'.

[13] The frontpage of the newpaper BT October 14th 1996: Thanks Jacob!

[14] But this EU-bill has actually not passed yet.

[15] Compare the answer from The Department of Investigation of October 1st 1996 of the question S 3488 of August 29th 1996 asked by Henriette Kjaer (member of Folketinget for the Conservative Party).

[16] The same day you could read on the businesses-pages in newspaper Jyllands Posten that EU has established a committee to watch-, control- and limitation-legislation concerning the Internet.

[17] Member of the Europe Parliament for the Social Democratic Party in Denmark.


[18] He could solve the abstract problems and transforme them into practice. Those abilities you also find by J. M. Keynes. Notice how the development has progressed.

[19] Alexander Hamilton was a Westindian son of an immigrant. His father was Scottish.

[20] Compare with what I have written about marketing-paradigms. Keynesianism must leave “the scene” now, it must leave “the exterior” opinion. If something must substitute Keynesianism in “the exterior” you might doubt. I wonder if half a generation or one generation more have to pass totally, before it has gone too. In “the interior” opinion it always just served its purpose. 

[21] The Delphi Method, Tavistock Institute in Sussex and 'The Country Union Of Mental Hygiene' (in Danish: Landforeningen af Mentalhygiejne) in Denmark is key names here. In this spirit "Crimonology" is supplemented to "Victimology". The Isis-Myth of the old Egypt contributes to some of the symbolic tools here.

[22] Their eyes told me they were guessing.

[23] No real responsible doubted in the late 1970s that the unemployment was not an temporary phenomenon. Few I think knew it was a matter of conscious design.

[24] As earlier mentioned, this led to the supported "camouflage-appointments" by public subsidy of today in a secondary, and perhaps a tertiary labor market in Denmark and in Europe.